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    oh well, nice try anyway


    I think the point has been missed by rana, the forum is a success, because the San Carlos sphincter George gadsby has yet to find his way here. Now should he, it would be over the top. What do you think rana?


    over the top? …oh, so THAT’S what the point of this board is? to exclude?

    as with many others of the old political board group, still in touch with george and he knows of this forum..


    Of course not to exclude, if you are not the sphincter, yourself, please let him know zorro, is welcome here.


    welcome for what? there’s nothing happening here..


    Don’t know what you are talking about. Did you sign up for the limited access, or full access and disclosure? Get hold of the Administrator and plead your case. A donation to the site may help. But if you are “the sphincter” I just don’t know.


    ok, have it your way:

    i am GEORGE (not), the great sphincter…so now what are you going to do, faint?


    seriously this political forum is dade


    Sphincter = George, George = Sphincter, If you can prove you are the sphincter, this board with go off the charts.


    the most successful forums for an area are usually the first ones, Viva was the first forum, thus still has the most users, to bad they do such a shit job of editing it. It could have really been a much better asset to the community.


    … this political forum is what it is…nothing to do with “other” boards vsc doesn’t HAVE a political board largely because of 2-3 posters that did nothing but shit on george.. please explain how or why we have to continue with that same dumbass strategy?

    this is the thread with the most replies? 9 posts…indicative


    rana is the sphincter or an advocate. It is my understanding that gadsby/the sphincter, was the reason the political side of vsc closed. If he was being assailed, so was hitler, or any other tyrant, kind of comes with the job description.


    And Osceola nodded his head in affirmation as he read, “largely because of 2-3 posters that did nothing but shit on george.” He then carefully considered the option of using this forum to continue the Saga of Fuji.


    signs of life…


    I really don’t understand what the point of this thread was to begin with. I set this forum up at the request of a buddy because George killed the one on Viva,

    I can assure you that there is no strategy for this forum, and of course anyone can sign up. If George really shut down the VSC forum because two or three people were bashing him then that simply proves the point that he never should have been in charge of any forum from the get go.

    The Rottweiler fiasco is a perfect example of how not to edit a forum. Once you read the threads on that first post it becomes clear that George has no viable criteria for when he locks down a thread or deletes posts. It really is his own opinion more than anything. What was especially telling about that thread was how he asked Richard to take a picture of the owner of the Rottwielers residence and post it and then later in the thread he tells him he should have kept his mouth shut and stop complaining. Why didn’t George grow a pair and go take a picture of the Rottwielers residence and post it himself. He leaves the poor guy whose dog gets mauled to do all the work for him and then bashes him later for it.

    It was pitiful really.

    I would like to thank George and Bart as well for if it were not for them I would have never created San Carlos TV. When they deleted the info that I spend months on creating about that scum bag Chad E. Willis that was the last straw for me.

    So I would like to thank both of the San Carlos Forums!!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

    Saludos a todos!!!!


    the original purpose of this thread was to try to spark some life into the political side of the forum…it had been at least a week without any activity at all

    i know nothing nor am i interested in the rottweiller fiasco whatever that is, or chad willis…either way it seems you are grateful for the opportunity to start a new forum, more power to you

    …received an invitation to participate and i thought that here we could continue to sparr with paulr, jmoore, woody, als, burro…

    btw dex above states that a donation will open the forum further, can you clarify, admin?

    as far as politics goes, and from what i have gathered about george the person, yes dex i am a george gadsby “advocate” …i am also a liberal and an atheist that believes in facts and research…hard for me to advocate beliefs based on hocus pocus logic


    Well here is the Rottweiler fiasco for you to read about, if you live in San Carlos then it happened in your own back yard, and perhaps you might be interested in what happens around here.

    In case you have not noticed this site is advertising free, no one has asked you to donate anything to be part of this forum.

    One time someone pretending to be George posted on this site as George. I did George a huge favor, I traced down, via the IP, the server and gave the info to George, he was less than appreciative of the information. I am not an advocate of Gadsby that is for sure.

    It is a shame that the forum has not lived up to your expectations, maybe people are actually enjoying the holidays, politics free.


    no expectations at all, i was invited to participate here and because i enjoy political banter i did my part to keep the new political board active

    so no donation.. well…yeah that’s what i thought, can’t understand why dex would try to mislead me…

    anyway, thanks for the rott article, wild..fiasco yes….this too, was george’s fault? 😀

    the fact is i AM interested in what happens in san carlos, although i have never lived there i have many friends that do..or did now some or all of you know my id…nuthin to hide boys


    OK, “with nothing to hide”, what is your name? Mine is Dex or Dexter Farlow, Have been in Tecalai for about 6 months. I was prepping to play on the political blog on viva, when the plug got pulled. Did observe for a while, who were you there?


    substitute a pair of vowels


    “Kermit the Frog aka la Rana Rene”

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by rana.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by rana.

    After doing research, I have been advised who rene is and who he is not. So being the gentleman that I am known to be, I offer a sincere and heartfelt apology to rene, for implying that he was George, “the sphincter”.


    mucho gusto and thanks dexter, very gentlemanly

    so you see i am not george, but the next best or worst thing, a george advocate….ok, not really a “george advocate” but neither do i share your (all)’s obsession for blaming him for everything including the sun setting every day…a gorgeous sunset it was in guanajuato this evening, rainbow and all, uncharacteristically wet and chilly, christmas-sy, with a few streaks of sunlight piercing through

    i’m not a newbie either, although i don’t get back to sonora very often any more, back in the 80’s i owned a citrus grove in alamos, (yes the one at the end of the airstrip) for about 5 years guaymas, cd obregon, kino bay, chinipas, el fuerte, etc were my stomping grounds

    but enough about me …again, i don’t want to intrude – came here as the result of an invitation, from burro, for whom i have nothing but great respect, to talk politics…if we’re going to avoid political issues and just bash george day in and day out, well…this may not be the place for me…


    I don’t blame George for the Rottweiler Fiasco and am certainly not obsessed with him nor do I believe he is guilty of everything under the son. Never have claimed that. I have claimed and continue to do so that he has a done a shitty job of moderating the Viva Forum and of course on that subject I am certainly not alone.

    I think there is virtually no doubt in my mind that the posts from the Rottweiler thread flamed the fires of intolerance in San Carlos and I actually would expect much more from a forum moderator.

    Now I suggest that if we all really want to spark some life into a Political Forum then we might want to post a thread dealing with politics. I might run a story next month on several residents who are getting dumped by their insurance companies because of Obama Care.

    Happy Holidays to all!!


    rather than start a new thread thought i would comment here on the topic of the super bowl coke commercial that has conservative nutcases gnashing their teeth and pulling their hair out.. lol

    i always thought the “english only” faction of the conservatives was limited to the fringe crazies…but nope, all it took was this coke commercial to demonstrate just how well the propaganda over the last few years has worked… taking advantage of the monolingual, not-so well read righties ignorance hammering a prejudiced, isolationist, superiority complexed message over and over until even reasonable folks have accepted it….

    amazing…mr goebbels would be so proud

    did i mention i REALLY REALLY miss the once proud and solid republican party??

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by rana.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by rana.


    dick cheney believes we should feed already super wealthy fat cat defense contractors….instead of the americans that are suffering the consequences of his failed administration…



    maybe post the coke commercial, I don’t think I saw it.



    and some of the “patriotic” comments:

    Nice to see that coke likes to sing an AMERICAN song in the terrorist’s language. Way to go coke. You can leave America.
    ? Tyler Wyckoff (@tylerwyckoff24) February 3, 2014

    Still confused as to why they were singing about America in all those foreign languages in the Coke commercial. We speak English…
    ? Anna Langley (@annalangleyy) February 3, 2014

    Dear Coke commercial…. DO NOT sing my Country’s song of Freedom in a different language. ????
    ? Devon Mitchell (@DevvMitchell11) February 3, 2014

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by rana.

    so moderating and keeping a forum alive is child’s play, ey?

    ANYBODY could do it better than george, right?

    2 months and not a single post …from anyone…

    not a complete loss…maybe we all learned something

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by rana.

    The San Carlos Journal is being composed. Soon it will be out.


    Sound interesting, what will it be about?


    “The Journal”, is something I await also. I am not part of it, but have friends that are. They are compiling posts and pm’s from present and past (as in deceased) posters on Viva. The entirety of which revolves around the moderator there and his misuse of the board. It is my understanding that these posts and pm’s go back years.


    Well it certainly will be interesting then!

    When you look closely over how that forum has been edited it really is unbelievable how there is no protocol what so ever in the editing. It really is a my way or the highway type of editing. I just recently started reading a book on editing to help me better write and edit the paper and the one thing that is stated over and over again that when you start to edit you should always keep in mind the readers that are consuming the media.

    The editor is there for them, the consumers of the media and really no one else. Are you serving their needs. So many have left that forum because of the heavy handed nature of the moderator that it would seem the answer is a resounding no to the that question. It is really only slightly better at the other forum.

    In the states that forum would have been dead ages ago but since we are in Mexico and it was really the first one in San Carlos it became the most popular, in spite of itself.




    We should start a new thread when the journal is up? Where will you post it at?


    Please forgive my inadvertent ? post. As far as “The Journal” goes, to my understanding it has taken months to put together, and still not fully compiled and organized. It is not up to me, nor do I know where it will be first posted.

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