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Fox News: Tearing the US Constitution to shreds…one ammendment at a time

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    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by rana.

    ………….And your point is?


    oops sorry dex

    i thought the point was pretty obvious…implicit at least

    these are the same people that claim to be “strict constitutionalists”?

    laughable….don’t you agree?

    i’m assuming you watched the video.. appears these folks have no idea what the term means


    The world according to Stewart and Rana? Snippet video, claiming to credit or discredit, has never been my source for forming conclusions. If it works for you, that gives us all a heads up.


    yeah “heads up everybody!!! rene almost made me watch a daily show video” 😀

    dex? disappointed…

    i was hoping for a comment from you on the content or message…. but instead i received a non-commital attack on the messenger…ok so you don’t like stewart let’s leave him out of it, you can view the original fox transmissions without his narration, yet the message is the same…

    but bringing it all away from the media to a more down to earth level – man to man (poster to poster)

    …what do YOU think? were the founders correct? …are all men created equal? do they all have constitutional rights in this country? even muslims?


    When the messenger and the message are one and the same, then shooting the messenger is the same as shooting the message.
    Equality, opportunity, responsibility, and what you do with these three concepts, do not always end with the same results.
    Yes, all men are created equal when it comes to their right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. What is done with this right is up to us all.


    There’s not a bigger thrill, than penning a thread ending!!
    Where are you Rana? Too busy spewing it on another forum?


    Nope, Not a bigger thrill!


    If you all remember the constitution was written by a bunch of white men. It clearly didn’t include people of color until a little thing called the civil war and then of course the civil rights movement after that and it is clear America still has a long way to go. Especially when you listen to some of these assholes at Fox.

    It is clear to me that those buffoons are strict constitutionalists when it comes to the second amendment, which Steward has shown plenty of times on his program. The rest of it they make up as they go along. Steward is at his best when he debunks those shit heads over at Fox and god do they make his job so very easy. I seriously doubt that there is any one network on air that is so hypocritical as them.

    All men are clearly not created equal in the minds of many men, especially those who wrote the constitution and America has a very long way to go, and I would be happy to debate that with the best of them. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by admin.

    yes ad

    most of the founding fathers owned slaves.. many of these opposed slavery, but only four of them NEVER owned slaves…even franklin – my favorito – owned two, and was yet the president of the abolitionists…contradictory? yeh but..member, they were only men

    “When the messenger and the message are one and the same, then shooting the messenger is the same as shooting the message.”

    yes dex let’s shoot some of them… i would start with sir rupert himself

    ironic because their message is very clear – so is the messenger:

    according to this fux news report (which you didn’t view), only american citizens have constitutional rights…………………the IGNORANCE…what exactly does “inalienable” mean?

    geeze…this flies in the face of the original intent of the founders so much it’s almost funny…almost

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by rana.

    wanting to return to colonial times because that’s the “conservative” way

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by rana.

    It is amazing that anyone could be that fucking ignorant in this day and age but alas the beauty of the internet allows everyone to see these morons. I guess if you rent you are just a piece of shit who cares about nothing.

    A journalist from France once told me how could you be so right , he meant right wing of course, when there is so much wrong in the world.


    Snippet City, the most intolerant, bottom feeding, people on the face of the earth, left wing, progressive, hypocrites. You are just as dogmatic as those you portray. There are good on both sides, look real hard, you might even find some decent progressives, or maybe not.


    yeah man we are such hypocrites…we claim that all men (and women) posess certain rights, while your buddies above (it’s not a few snippets, dx..this is their universe) believe only certain ethnic, affluent groups of people are worthy of these rights…

    there are very good people on both sides… but as per your own assertion, in this age of paranoia and prejudice, nobody seems to remember who they are…

    caution: you might be a ringwing nutcase

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by rana.

    watching the state of the union last night it came to me just how wrong the gop is on virtually every issue…line by line their fractured party opposes ANYTHING that makes any sense and you don’t even have to listen to their responses to the speech, all you have to do is look at the their faces…geeze old farts including the speaker … they could barely get up the gumption to stand up and applaud the wounded sgt standing next to mrs obama…they know they risk making the president look good and we couldn’t have THAT, could we…..

    unbelievable right down the list WRONG on every single issue…

    these pos, ted cruz and rand paul are their front runners?? ….holy fucking shittt…lawd heppus….they’re political puto parasites ppp – doing nothing but take advantage of how fractured the republican party is today…smoke and mirrors (lies) has convinced fully half of of the population, thereby obstructing (for now) the progress (eeeek that word!) being achieved, amazing what it hwas done to the gop

    did you know that “moderate” is a dirty word now…yeah right along side words like “democracy, equality, healthcare, union, community, compromise….what planet are these extreme conservatives living on? is this strategy sustainable?

    presidential candidates? these two freaks? yes because….henceforth any and all “moderate” (half a brain) conservative need not apply, man how i miss the REAL republican party

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by rana.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by rana.

    OK, your less than intelligent post has been on here for 10 hrs. Have you taken the time to reread it. About as senseless as possible. Opposed to Obama equals wrong to you? In lock step with Obama equals stupid to me. You right? Am I right? Who cares? The old “wounded warrior” trick, anything to divert attention away from the dribble known at the state of the union…Responding to you is as pointless as your original post..but then who really cares.


    that’s ok, dix

    by now we have become accustomed to your 2-3 line non posts…looking back at them “all” the pattern is clear: nothing on the issues… no content, no relevance….just no

    like you, i don’t understand why you even bother




    “watching the state of the union last night it came to me just how wrong the gop is on virtually every issue…line by line their fractured party opposes ANYTHING that makes any sense and you don’t even have to listen to their responses to the speech, all you have to do is look at the their faces…geeze old farts including the speaker … they could barely get up the gumption to stand up and applaud the wounded sgt standing next to mrs obama…they know they risk making the president look good and we couldn’t have THAT, could we…..

    unbelievable right down the list WRONG on every single issue…

    these pos, ted cruz and rand paul are their front runners?? ….holy fucking shittt…lawd heppus….they’re political puto parasites ppp – doing nothing but take advantage of how fractured the republican party is today…smoke and mirrors (lies) has convinced fully half of of the population, thereby obstructing (for now) the progress (eeeek that word!) being achieved, amazing what it hwas done to the gop

    did you know that “moderate” is a dirty word now…yeah right along side words like “democracy, equality, healthcare, union, community, compromise….what planet are these extreme conservatives living on? is this strategy sustainable?

    presidential candidates? these two freaks? yes because….henceforth any and all “moderate” (half a brain) conservative need not apply, man how i miss the REAL republican party
    This reply was modified 1 day ago by rana.”


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Dex.

    is there anything new about republicans being forced to mispresent the facts? wrong on every single issue right down the list…of the three responses to the stu address, not ONE valid or relevant point…the logic being that if an obama policy has any merit this fact cannot come to light…if it becomes necessary to search high and low for fake “horrror” stories or to outright lie to make the president look bad, they say so be it… 🙂

    o ye of shallow brains, don’t you see this tactic is undermining your credibility?

    ACA is a glaring example…

    Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), the House Republican Conference chair, used her party’s official response to the State of the Union to highlight a woman in her home state who, she claimed, was better off before the law.
    “Not long ago, I got a letter from Bette in Spokane, who had hoped the president’s health care law would save her money, but found out instead her premiums were going up nearly $700 a month…. No, we shouldn’t go back to the way things were, but this law is not working.”
    Almost immediately, red flags went up among those who follow the health care debate closely. And for good reason: over the last several months, Republicans and their allies have put a spotlight on quite a few “Obamacare victims,” but the stories invariably fell apart after modest scrutiny.

    With this in mind, it was only natural to wonder about the circumstances surrounding “Bette in Spokane,” who presumably represented the single best piece of anecdotal evidence McMorris Rodgers could find as part of her ACA indictment. Fortunately, we now have a better sense of the relevant details, which, like so many “Obamacare horror stories,” don’t help the Republicans’ case at all. …facts are not the right’s friends…

    rand paul’s response was another circus sideshow…on the question of employment equality for women, his only comment was that bill clinton was a sex predator and because hillary and bill were hard to tell apart, well she just wasn’t fit to be president… LOLOLOL

    “republicans” highjacked byt the extremes..wrong again – wrong on every single issue, line by line

    please let them keep talking…. btw did i mention i REALLY miss the OLD grand old party??

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