Real information on San Carlos Sonora Mexico


San Carlos T.V. Sonoran Sport Center on line store


We had a technical Glitch last month and we lost the page with all of the new t-shirts and hats that we had for sale so in another week or so we will get this page set up again with all of Ines’ great t-shirt designs plus some new ones that are up and coming.

Welcome to our New On Line Store for San Carlos TV.  In order to continue to bring you all high quality reports on San Carlos and the greater Sea of Cortez we have set up this page in an effort to monetize our independent media out let. So if you see anything you would like to purchase on the page you can do so with the full confidence that all the proceeds go to our prodcution company that will continue to  bring you interesting stories from San Carlos and promote independent media  along with Conservation of the Sea of Cortez.

Please support us!!!!!

Thanks Vince


Sonoran Sport Center: Trail Map * Snorkel & Dive Guide to San Carlos: Cost $9.99














Our trail map and dive guide to San Carlos is now available for sale on line in a PDF format.

  1. Topographic Map of La Sierra del Aguaje mountain range
  2. All major snorkel & dive sites listed
  3. A portion of all proceeds go to lobbying U.S. and Mexican governments to stop illegal fish products from crossing the border