Shoot out on San Carlos Highway leaves one dead, several injured and detained

Shoot out on San Carlos Highway leaves one dead, several injured and detained

It not entirely clear from first reports if the mid day shoot out between a grey sedan and a blue suburban started on the road to the dolphinarium but it is clear that the shoot out ended on the highway just east of that turn off. The blue suburban ended up perpendicular to the road on the east going lanes while the grey sedan drove out of San Carlos towards highway 15. One AK 47 was found on the highway and was apparently lost from the grey sedan which according to reports had between 3 and 5 people in it when it attacked the Suburban. One or possibly two of the injured gunman in the suburban were taken away by ambulance while it seems another gunman may have run off into the desert while pursued by 40 navy marines. It was also reported that a man with a leg injury was detained while attempting to board a bus in Guaymas. It is unknown if the person detained was involved in the shoot out.


One Response to Shoot out on San Carlos Highway leaves one dead, several injured and detained

  1. As an update to this story it has now been reported in El Vigia that the person killed in this shoot out was an ex cop with who still has family members who are municipal police in Guaymas and the shooters were ex military who were thrown out of the military because they drug tested positive.

    Era policía sicario muerto

    Tomado de El Vigía
    El sujeto muerto luego de la balacera entre grupos de delincuentes en San Carlos, resultó ser un policía auxiliar que anteriormente fue policía efectivo.

    Se trata de Mario Rojas Castro, de 35 años de edad, herido de muerte el pasado lunes en San Carlos, quien fue elemento activo de la corporación policíaca en la administración 2000-2003 y hasta antes de morir trabajaba como policía auxiliar en el área de cantinas.

    Después de darse de baja de las filas policíacas trabajó como guardia de seguridad en un centro comercial ubicado en el centro hasta que regresó como auxiliar de la Policía Municipal.

    Se sabe que el sicario caído en el enfrentamiento armado tiene familiares que pertenecen actualmente a la Policía Municipal así como también ex policías que fueron dados de baja de la misma.


    Dos de los tres detenidos, quienes traían el vehículo Áltima de modelo reciente, fueron elementos de la Armada de México luego dados de baja por salir positivos a alguna droga años atrás, ahora fueron enviados al estado de Nayarit al considerárseles de alta peligrosidad.

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